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Farm School NYC trains urban agriculture leaders, activists, and advocates.


Programming is based in Popular Education

Two students growing

NYC is your classroom.

Farm School NYC classes take place at a wide variety of city gardens, farms, and other unique classroom spaces in order to engage in city specific place-based education

High Tunnel with class inside

Community-based approach.

Farm School NYC was created by a vast network of urban farmers, community gardeners, and anti-hunger and food justice advocates in the city. The program is created and run by grassroots leaders who know NYC's unique communities and food issues best.

Students walking with farming tools

Committed to grassroots social justice.

Farm School NYC provides students with the tools they need to become effective and empowered grassroots leaders in the food justice movement. We do this by teaching effective community organizing and advocacy techniques as well as engaging in dialogues about larger social, economic, and racial, and justice issues.

Three students in a field learning

Accessible to all NYC residents.

Our students come from a wide range of different backgrounds and life experiences and diversity is crucial to the success of our program.The time commitment and schedule of the program is designed to be accessible to students working full time jobs.


Through engaging, place-based education, Farm School classes cultivate future leaders in the food justice movement.

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