Listening Session 1
Are you an urban grower? Have you looked into or applied to federal funding opportunities? Do you have interest in applying to grants or loans within the USDA? Farm School NYC's cooperative agreement with the Farm Service Agency (FSA), which is within the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), is reporting on the gaps experienced by urban producers when seeking federal funding or services.
Farm School NYC invites you to join our listening sessions in order to improve the coordination and effectiveness of Federal programs and services for agriculture in urban areas. The purpose of these sessions is to:
to share FSA programs and how FSA Urban Services Centers may meet the needs of urban growers
hear from urban farmers, growers and land stewards about their experiences, recommendations and feedback about the FSA to include in a report that will be shared with FSA in Summer 2025
December 12th 6pm-7:30pm Virtual (Zoom)
Register Here: